Mapping the Human Soul ™ : Psychological Theory and Treatment Models

Modeling specific Soul Organs™ and coupled interdependent Soul Organ Systems™ which create, regulate, and , consciously or unconsciously control the “Mind, Body, Brain, Soul & Spirit System™” ; as well as the resulting daily experience of Life.

Modeling of the effective pathways through the A & P of the Human Soul™ which provide normal, natural, unconscious homeostatic regulation of the “Mind, Body, Brain, Soul & Spirit System™”.

Strategically use results which show how “learned active, conscious control” of a small portion of this soul organ system ™ can be used to make incremental adjustments to the “Mind, Body, Brain, Soul & Spirit System™” for investigation, testing, analysis and modeling.

Application of the A & P of the Human Soul™ associated with the “Mind, Body, Brain, Soul & Spirit System™” to understanding simple and complex treatment models for clinical depression, the most common illness in the Western World.

Modeling the various types of clinical depression

  • Their stages of progression thru the various impacted aspects of the A & P of the Human Soul
  • Modeled in parallel with progression thru the physical body’s A & P

Modeling How CBT (cognitive behavioral theory) works in conjunction with the natural homeostatic regulation of particular soul organs™ and soul organ systems™, in stages and over time.

Modeling why CBT (cognitive behavioral theory) can be as effective or more effective than pharmaceutical treatment.

Modeling why exercise can be as effective as CBT or pharmaceutical treatment.

Modeling why treatment combination models do and do not work, as expressed in:

  • The progressive and cumulative effects of deterioration through various Soul Organs Systems™ on the individual progression of symptoms, affects, stress impacts and disease upon Physical organ systems and various measures of well being.
  • The variability of individual expression of progressive effects of deterioration through various Soul Organs Systems™ on the individual progression of symptoms, affects, stress impacts and disease upon physical organ systems and various measures of well being.

Modeling how simple antidepressants (SSRI and SNRI) operate in conjunction with Soul Organs™ and Soul Organ Systems™ in therapeutic treatment.

Modeling how simple antidepressants work in conjunction with brain structure/suborgan physiology to act, over variable amounts of time, directly upon very specific Soul Organs™.

Modeling the impact of SSRIs and SNRIs on the effective pathways which couple together and regulate the Mind, Body, Brain, Soul and Spirit System.

Modeling the operation and stages of simple antidepressants action, over time, in restoring natural homeostatic regulation of Soul Organ System ™ interdependent balance, structural support and homeostatic regulation in order to heal the psychological affects and effects of depression.

Application of the A & P of the Human Soul™ associated with the Mind, Body, Brain, Soul & Spirit System™ in expanding theories on PTSD and PTSD treatment models.

Expand functional understanding of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) memory storage and triggering models.

Expand treatment models for simple and complex PTSD experience.


Modeling of the organs within the brain and soul responsible for the Medical application of Mesmerism/Hypnosis

Impact of Program Findings on Foundational & Current Psychological Theories and Treatment Models

Re-examination of Freud’s Ego, SuperEgo and ID in Light of Programs Findings

Issues, Problems and Opportunities with Jung’s Theories

Anatomical, physiological, psychological, Spiritual and Religious Cleaving of Mind, Body, Brain, Soul and Spirit

Fundamental and profound insights into the understanding of “What constitutes the Mind?”

Opportunities or Crises in current theories of severe personality disorder (DID); as well as, in general, simple therapeutic treatment models?

Modeling the Impact of the “Fall of Man” on the Soul

Struggles, Progress, Inconsistencies, Errors and Limitations of Theological Models

Progress, inconsistencies, affects vs effects, limitations, and opportunities of models of Character and Personality Development as expressed in Modern Psychology

Modeling anatomical changes to the Anatomy & Physiology of the Human Soul™ as “the cause rather than the result” of The Fall.